
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Author Interview with Paul Senz on his book, ”Fatima”
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Ahead of the FATIMA movie release on August 28, 2020, we interviewed Paul Senz, author of "Fatima: 100 Questions and Answers on the Marian Apparitions", a companion to the film.
Book: https://www.ignatius.com/Fatima-P3661.aspx
Movie: https://www.fatimathemovie.com/
From May to October, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared six times to three shepherd children in the tiny village of Fatima, Portugal. What started as a private matter was soon known all over town, throughout the country, and around the world. These apparitions are fascinating, and have gripped the imagination of people all over the world, from simple believers to academic theologians; from skeptics to the curious; from scientists to popes.
Fatima: 100 Questions and Answers on the Marian Apparitions utilizes a question-and-answer format to explore the context of these apparitions, why they were so engrossing at the time, what they have meant to the Church and the world in the century since they happened, and why the requests of Our Lady are so important today.
Questions include:
- Who were these children?
- Why would Mary appear to them?
- What were the so-called “Secrets of Fatima”?
- What really happened during the Miracle of the Sun?
- In what ways were the children persecuted by the powerful Freemasons in the Portuguese government?
- Did the children see a vision that predicted the attempted assassination of St. John Paul II?
- And many more.
The major new feature film, Fatima, tells the story of these apparitions in a narrative and with a limited amount of screen time. As a companion to the film, this book offers the reader greater context and answers many of the questions that the viewer may have about this amazing story.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Interview with Father Donald Haggerty, author of ”Contemplative Enigmas”
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Despite signs in recent decades of a crisis in the Church, a countercurrent of intense interest in prayer and a close relationship with God is clearly at work today. A deeper esteem for contemplation has accompanied this turning to prayer, and many people desire spiritual direction and guidance.
Written by a recognized expert on contemplative prayer, this book concentrates on the interior hardships experienced by souls who give themselves to God wholeheartedly. More than a summary of the symptoms of interior trial, these poignant observations are the fruit of the author's many years in retreat work. Personal experience, not simply knowledge of the spiritual tradition, inform his concise, carefully crafted comments.
Throughout the book, the writing invites the reader to ponder the subject of spiritual darkness, perplexity, and other struggles in the spiritual life always in the light of the loving God, who draws souls into greater surrender to himself.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Author interview with Bill Donohue on his book, ”Common Sense Catholicism”
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Join us as we discuss "Common Sense Catholicism: How to Resolve Our Cultural Crisis" with Bill Donohue.
This work analyzes how the three key elements of a democratic society—freedom, equality, and fraternity—have been misconstrued by intellectuals and policy makers who do not respect the limitations of the human condition. Their lack of common sense has resulted in social and cultural problems rather than solutions to them. By contrast, the social teachings of the Catholic Church mesh nicely with the demands of human nature, and as such they offer the right remedy to our cultural crisis.
Freedom defined as radical individualism has eclipsed the understanding that real rights are tethered to responsibilities. Equality defined as radical egalitarianism yields little in the way of equality and much in the way of state-sponsored social discord. And fraternity without the foundation of familial bonds and religious communities leaves people isolated and disoriented. Catholic teaching offers much wisdom to remedy our insufficient understanding of the elements needed for a free and flourishing society. Its common sense is greatly needed to help modern Americans rediscover the true meaning of their highest ideals.

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Interview with Walter B. Hoye II on his book ”Black and ProLife in America”
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
On Friday, March 20, 2009, fifteen months after the City of Oakland, California, passed a law making it illegal to approach a woman entering an abortion clinic without her consent, Walter B. Hoye II went to jail for standing on a public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic with a sign saying, "God loves you and your baby. Let us help you."
The ordained Baptist minister could have accepted a lesser sentence of community service, provided he agreed never to return to the clinic. But he preferred spending thirty days in the county jail to forfeiting his constitutional right to free speech and his Christian duty to offer help to women in need, most of whom were black like him. Two higher courts eventually exonerated him: one overturned his criminal conviction, and the other judged that the enforcement of the Oakland "bubble law" was unconstitutional.
Walter's dramatic days in prison, where he lived and preached the gospel and won the hearts of fellow inmates, are detailed in this book. The political machinations that created the bubble law and then entrapped Walter are also described, using public records. Both stories are told in the context of Walter's background as the descendant of black slaves and the disciple of his hero Martin Luther King Jr., whose niece, Alveda, has written the foreword for this book.

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Catching up on the news with Catholic World Report’s Carl E. Olson
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Ukraine, Biden, Lent, abortion, and "The Batman" - Mark Brumley sits down with author and editor Carl E. Olson to discuss the latest stories at Catholic World Report.