
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Author Interview with Tyler Rowley on his book ”Because of Our Fathers”
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
A father—the head of the household, as Saint Paul says—has a crucial role and responsibility in his family, not only materially, but spiritually. This is no outdated biblical cliché, but a biological, sociological, and metaphysical reality that we too often fail to recognize. The example of a father can leave an indelible imprint on the character of his children.
In Because of Our Fathers, twenty-three Catholics—including Patrick Madrid, Abby Johnson, Bishop Joseph Strickland, Father Paul Scalia, Jesse Romero, Anthony Esolen, Father Rocky, Christopher Check, and Father Gerald Murray—give portraits of their own fathers as conduits and models of Christian love. Ranging from the heroic to the ordinary, these powerful testimonies will inspire men to consider more deeply the amazing privilege that God has given them to become, despite their imperfection, a living image of our Father in Heaven.
The introduction and conclusion by editor Tyler Rowley serve as a wake-up call. Illustrating the Church’s teaching on fatherhood with current research on the family, he makes clear the urgent need for men who take seriously the God-given, grace-filled task of raising children.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Sally Read converted from atheism to Catholicism when her daughter, Flo, was only four years old, but it did not take long for the child to become aware that many friends and relatives did not share her mother's newfound faith. This consciousness of "two worlds" led to a great many doubts in Flo, and some rebellion. Two nights before her First Communion she suddenly questioned whether she should receive the Eucharist.
Sensing the precarious nature of faith in an overwhelmingly secular world, Read began writing down the compelling reasons for holding on to both God and Church. Taking the Annunciation as her template, she explored common experiences of the spiritual life as she meditated on each part of the story recorded in the Gospel of Luke.
Drawing on Scripture, the saints, and the lives of people she has known personally or professionally as a nurse, Read shows how God is with us always—even in suffering, spiritual dryness, and depression. Although inspired by a mother's loving response to a daughter, this book will speak to any believer engaged in the bliss and the bewilderment of a relationship with God.
Annunciation: https://www.ignatius.com/Annunciation-P3361.aspx
Night's Bright Darkness: https://www.ignatius.com/Nights-Bright-Darkness-P3616.aspx

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Interview with Robert Reilly on his book, ”America on Trial”
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
The Founding of the American Republic is on trial. Critics say it was a poison pill with a time-release formula; we are its victims. Its principles are responsible for the country's moral and social disintegration because they were based on the Enlightenment falsehood of radical individual autonomy.
In this well-researched book, Robert Reilly declares: not guilty. To prove his case, he traces the lineage of the ideas that made the United States, and its ordered liberty, possible. These concepts were extraordinary when they first burst upon the ancient world: the Judaic oneness of God, who creates ex nihilo and imprints his image on man; the Greek rational order of the world based upon the Reason behind it; and the Christian arrival of that Reason (Logos) incarnate in Christ. These may seem a long way from the American Founding, but Reilly argues that they are, in fact, its bedrock. Combined, they mandated the exercise of both freedom and reason. These concepts were further developed by thinkers in the Middle Ages, who formulated the basic principles of constitutional rule.
Why were they later rejected by those claiming the right to absolute rule, then reclaimed by the American Founders, only to be rejected again today? Reilly reveals the underlying drama: the conflict of might makes right versus right makes might. America's decline, he claims, is not to be discovered in the Founding principles, but in their disavowal.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Falling in love with the Music of Christendom
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
How did music shape our civilization, and how was music itself shaped by the Catholic Church? Susan Treacy, Professor of Music Emerita at Ave Maria University, discusses her new book "The Music of Christendom: A History" with Br. Elías Guadalupe Ford, OP.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
”In the Eye of the Storm”: Bishop James Conley and Kevin Wells on St. Gregory the Great
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Bishop James D. Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska and author Kevin Wells discuss “In the Eye of the Storm,” the gripping biography of St. Gregory the Great by Sigrid Grabner, available for the first time in English (https://bit.ly/32oRpB4).
Grabner's vivid narrative of the life of a poor monk known now to history as St. Gregory the Great reads like a novel, evoking the landscape of early medieval Italy with humanity and realism. It brings us face to face with a man who, for all his weakness, became an instrument in the hand of God and let himself be made great.