Friday Apr 01, 2022
Interview with Dawn Beutner on her book, ”Saints”
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Let's talk about saints!
Jesus told us to be perfect, and the Second Vatican Council highlighted this command by speaking of the universal call to holiness for all Christians. How do we answer this call? One great way is to learn from and pray with the saints, the ordinary men and women who fought the good fight to be holy until the end of their lives, and won.
The saints have inspired Christians for more than two thousand years because they show us what it looks like to follow Jesus Christ despite countless challenges and obstacles. This unique book contains short biographies of several saints, along with prayers to each one, for every day of the year. It also provides definitions of Church terms and other helpful back - ground information.
The saints in this collection come from every period of Church history and all walks of life. They represent numerous countries, cultures, age groups, and vocations. They show us that holiness truly is a path open to anyone, and by their example and prayers they help us to follow it.
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Christ vs. Satan in our daily lives - A conversation with Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Exorcisms, demonic possession, occult practices…these aren’t just the stuff of horror movies—they are real (if dramatic) reminders of the existence of the devil and his presence in the world. But as gripping as stories of the supernatural are, it can be easy to forget that the seductive activities of the devil are often found in far more mundane circumstances: the temptations to pride, lust, greed, and other sins that we all experience in our daily lives. In his book CHRIST VERSUS SATAN IN OUR DAILY LIVES: THE COSMIC STRUGGLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL, spiritual writer and philosopher Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., tackles the topic of recognizing and overcoming spiritual evil. His focus is the human heart. His goal: our spiritual and moral transformation, which leads to true peace and genuine happiness.
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Author Interview with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers on ”Behold the Man”
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Lucid and inspiring, Behold the Man is a unique exploration of Catholic spirituality for men. Much of the literature written for Catholic men focuses on topical issues such as fatherhood and sexuality. While this book does not exclude these subjects, it is the first to present a comprehensive picture of Catholic male spirituality.
What is authentic male Catholic spirituality? What distinguishes it from Protestant male spirituality? How does masculine spirituality complement feminine spirituality? These questions and many more are answered in this book.
Drawing from Scripture and Church teaching, the author roots Catholic male spirituality in a covenant relationship with God and the cross of Jesus Christ. He demonstrates that when a man embraces the cross he is truly able to be himself—the man that God created and calls him to be. Behold the Man can deepen a man’s experience of Christ and help him to know the Lord more intimately.
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Author Interview with Michael Kurek on his book, ”The Sound of Beauty”
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Music remains something of a mystery to many people—ephemeral sounds floating invisibly through the air—here, and then gone. This book begins with the basic question of what music actually is, scientifically, employing simple, clear explanations of wave theory and the acoustics of sound as part of God's natural creation. It presents accessible and fascinating explanations of some theories of the psychology of perception of music, how music speaks to the mind, emotions, and spirit. Some of these concepts have rarely been addressed outside the ivory tower and even more rarely been seen through the lens of Catholic theology.
This is a kind of "layman's handbook," a comprehensive theology of all things music, which anyone can understand, written by an internationally respected classical composer and music professor at a top secular university who is also a faithful Catholic. It sheds light on the mysteries of music and furthers the spiritual formation regarding music for Catholics of many ages and walks of life.
It is groundbreaking in its comprehensive and holistic treatment of music from a Catholic perspective, and particularly timely in advocating for the renewal of the norms for music in liturgy found in the documents of Vatican II. It also presents one of the most penetrating critical examinations to be found of contemporary classical music, from an insider.
The book is available for purchase here: https://www.ignatius.com/The-Sound-of-Beauty-P3352.aspx
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Author Interview with Trent Horn on his book, ”The Case for Catholicism”
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
This is the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and thorough defense of the Catholic Church against Protestant objections in print. This book is especially relevant as the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation draws near and discussion of the arguments made against the Church during that time in history receive renewed interest.
The Case for Catholicism answers arguments put forward by early Reformers like Luther and Calvin as well as contemporary defenders of Protestantism like Norm Geisler and R.C. Sproul. It provides a meticulous defense of the biblical and historical nature of Catholic doctrines from Scripture and church history. Finally, in both answering Protestant objections to Catholicism and in providing evidence for the Faith, The Case for Catholicism cites modern Protestant scholars who question Reformation assumptions and show how evidence from Scripture and church history support aspects of Catholic theology.
This book is divided into four sections, with each answering a key question Christians have asked about the nature of their faith. Those key questions are:
- What is my authority?
- What is the Church?
- How am I saved?
- Who belongs to the body of Christ?
The Case for Catholicism will become a reliable, resource for any Catholic who desires a well-researched, readable, and persuasive answer to Protestant arguments made against the Catholic faith.